January 2010

"I have spread my dreams beneath your feet. Tread softly because you tread on my dreams." -W.B. Yeats

2010 the beginning of a new year and I am glad that it’s finally here. Although 2009 was a productive year, there were hurdles to overcome.  Almost every day was a challenge to get through but I made it.

We made it.

Regardless of what others thought, we made it.

Adjustments were made (and continue to be made) so that dreams may not have to be shelved for an indeterminate time.  Tolerance and acceptance was developed towards those who want, want, and WANT without the consideration of who they are wanting from.  Tongues were bit to keep silent from assumptions made and yet, I continued to smile as steps were taken back and away from those creators of assumptions and rumors. Cupboards have been cleaned, skeletons hung out to dry and pathways have been cleared of obstacles that can get in the way of where I want to go. 


It's a bumpy road out there but I chose it.  It's my dreams, my hopes and aspirations.

I am grateful for those who listen to my songs, purchase my CD, see my theatre productions, and come to my music & theatre gigs (click on the links and see what's coming up!) To those who continue to support me in one way or another and spread the word about my work ~  I look forward to offering you more this year,  to seeing your smiling faces in the audience or beside me at that magical moment when the curtains and lights are just about to go up.

I'm not getting any younger, so walk with me - behind me or beside me, but get out of my way as I continue to make my dreams come true so that those whose stories need to be heard will continue to be heard, so that you can continue to participate in them, so that when I ask you “how you’re doing”, you know I am listening.