October 2010

Even though it's October, we're already counting down the year.  "Officially" we have 3 public gigs and a radio interview for the year.  Unofficially, we have a few private gigs happening and as days go on, we're getting booking requests.YAY! 

Mohawk-Radio.com interview went really well.  This time we were invited by the Indie Scene show.  Last show invites were with the Double D show.  We're always grateful whenever we get air time.  Mohawk-Radio.com has been a supporter of ours...even before Carolyn Fe Blues Band existed.  They were there when DD Swank (my previous band)  came out.  Hey...that's about 5 years that Mohawk-Radio.com has been supporting my work in music and theatre.  THANK YOU!

We had a really great gig at Complexe Fan Club in Ste Therese on October 22nd.  Le Net Blues was there and even did a write up about us! Click here: Critique.  For those of you who don't know Le Net Blues, it is THE spirit of Blues for Quebec.These Blues enthusiasts write up on established & up and coming Blues artists in Quebec.  Bottom line, it's your Blues resource center.

We've had a great year playing lots of venues and events to promote our EP.  Your continued support astounds us and we are grateful! As we prepare to go into the studio to finish up our upcoming full length CD, we hope to see you at one of our gigs where, if you're lucky - we'll might just leak a song (or two) from the new CD.  Check out the calendar page... I will keep it updated as the gigs keep coming. See you soon!