September 2010



Time flew by, it’s already September!

It’s been a great summer.  The band had lots of gigs; we made quite a few friends and reconnected with some old ones too. The band’s September and October calendar is busy as well and it keeps on going. YAY!

The album/CD is well on its way, during the summer, the band wrote over 20 songs and we’re now in the process of cleaning it up and recording in the studio.  The aim was for a Fall launch of the new CD but the creative juices has been flowing and I didn’t want to break the momentum so we’re now planning a Spring launch.  Stay tuned, who knows, I may be posting a ‘teaser’ online soon.

I’ve laid back from my theatre activities this summer…had no choice, music was in the forefront and I needed a serious break and rest from the theatre scene.  After Altera Vitae’s production of BENT, I had nothing left in me to give so I replenished with music.  I do have a project in mind to produce a play but I’ll be taking my time. There is a lot of investment to be made in time, effort and emotions when producing a play.  I just want to make sure I have all three before getting back into it.  I feel I’ve set the bar high for myself with BENT.

Oh! Remember P4W by Julia Ainsworth? The play where I had a role as a prisoner?  Well, she is remounting the play and I’ll be back on stage this Winter.  Stay tuned for that.  I really enjoyed my role as Joss.  I have to admit, there is such a release in playing a non-stereotyped role.  This play really makes me “give”.

I did have quite a few TV and Film shoots this summer.  Those were fun. It’s not as heavy as producing a play. I’m just an actress in there so all I have to do is make sure my lines are memorized and my delivery of the character is spot on. Oh, don’t get me wrong, it’s still a lot of work but it’s much less daunting. One of the TV shoots will be aired in September. Check out the shows/gig section. I wish I can keep you posted on the TV and Movie gigs but more often than naught, I do not get the release dates all the time.

So there it is.  I continue to plug away to make my dreams come true; my music, my acting and my passions.  It hasn’t been easy, sacrifices have been made and a lot of humble pie has been eaten.  I appreciate you coming on for the ride with your continued support.  It makes it that much easier knowing you’re there, listening and watching and letting me know that you were at the shows. 

Keep your messages coming by email or Facebook.  I just love it when I hear from you! I try to answer everybody but my apologies if I missed your email or FB message.