June 2010

The word GRATEFUL comes to mind as I write this entry. It is because of you that the Carolyn Fe Blues Band has been in demand! Thank you so much for your continued support and tolerance for receiving all those press releases about our gigs. I know that I am not alone when I say that every performer's nightmare is to see an empty house when the curtains and lights come up. But you've always been there – cheering away and now (that you know some of the lyrics to our songs) singing along with us.

Imagine the excitement and surprise of an 8 year old waking up on Christmas day to find a whack of presents under the tree. That is exactly how I feel 10 minutes before opening the show. You are always there and have never fail me.

So here's the latest scoop. Theatre production project is still on the back burner, so stay tuned I will be announcing is soon enough. Although Altera Vitae Productions'  fund raising efforts have started. We are offering voice demo recording sessions for actors.

Music is alive and well ~ We had a great gig at Inspecteur Epingle on June 12th. The lovely Caroline Venor opened up for us and what a voice this woman has! The evening was dubbed the “Double C” show. We will be sharing another night in the near future and because we found a common affinity to red stilettos I figure calling it the “Double C in Red”.

Next up is the band's participation in a worldwide music festival called “World Music Day” or “Fete de la Musique”. It's a music festival that happens all around the world. Check out the the Show/Gig page and come on out to see us. It's free, it's outdoors, it's in Old Montreal and it celebrates music of all kinds all over the world!

Until next time!