June 2020 - Filipino Heritage Month in Canada

June 7: And so, I've announced on social media that I will be taking a bow from "Unsung and On The Side". By the time the last episode is broadcasted, it will have been 200 episodes and 4 wonderful years of discoveries and spins of music from artists who were, well...unsung and on the side. I urge you to continue to support local & self-produced artists. All episodes will remain on my website. Why you ask?  I need a break. I've received copious amounts of artist submissions on a daily basis. I try to listen to as much as I can. You may have heard that I do not spin promoted songs when I receive a submission. I prefer to share another track that will bring another point of appreciation for my listeners. But it takes me an average of 8 hours to produce a show, not counting the listening of submissions. You may be well aware that I also work as an actress. Although I have never missed or repeated an episode, it get pretty difficult with time management to keep producing weekly shows while in theatre rehearsals, film/TV shoots out of town, voice over gigs at a studio other than mine, etc.  So I need a break. I will be back though, maybe in another format...I don't know yet...because I do love sharing mine and my listener's discoveries with you. So let's stay in touch.  On another note....

Jerusalem's Thorns Civilian Remix: Although I haven't had time to update the media section of the website, you may have witnessed my sharing of the interviews and reveiws of the single. My cup runneth over! The reviews are in-depth quality questions that I can sink my teeth into and, the reviews have been positive and quite encouraging. Sales of the single have been phenominal and am so grateful to those who have paid more than the suggested $1.00 (Cdn) for the single AND other songs in my discography. Your support warms my heart especially during these difficult times.

June 4:  It's been a trying time for the Black community and people of colour. We take a break, close our eyes, take a deep breath and exhale slowly. What has this world come to? So much hatred, so much ignorance, so much pain; and then I see some light. In the amount of time I am disconnecting from those who prefer to live in hate, I am gaining new connections with those who come together to discuss, to find solutions, to heal, to help and to understand better.  There is so much to learn, so much to adjust that I don't know where to start but I just do what I can.  I am not Black. But I have been subjected to systemic exclusion. I am Asian. Filipino. Canadian. I extend my hand to help heal.