July 18 / 2009

 Carolyn Fe @ Le Petit Campus

July brought my voice back, so to speak.  Having had 6 weeks of silence, there were moments where throwing myself into planning of various activities was the only way for me not to fall into a state of self-pity and depression. I have to admit that it has been quite difficult. My voice is back although not at 100% it is definitely on the mend.  Singing-wise my mid and lower ranges are back, just waiting for my high range to re-establish itself.

But onward and forward …

Wednesday, August 26 will be my return to the blues onstage. I’ll be up with my full band at Le Petit Campus. The show will be hosted by BeN of the online radio station, RadioRockCafe.com and the opening band will be “Ain’t Done Yet”. I have to tip my hat off to the good folks of RadioRockCafe.com.  They have been supporting me through think and thin.  I look forward to having them watch my back during the show.  As for the opening band, "Ain't Done Yet", they'll be doing their renditions of classic blues/rock songs to get you dancing.

It will be a great night but I am anxious about the show.  This is the CD launch party that was supposed to have happened right after the play.  Better late than never.  Crossing my fingers that all you out there who were disappointed at the canceled music gigs will be at Le Petit Campus.

Next week will be quite busy for me.  I have 2 movie shoots for a couple of French productions and a live gig with John Cleese at the Just for Laughs Gala.  For the French productions, I will be playing – what else? The Asian maid/housekeeper - yep, the domestic worker.  Stereotype maybe?  It’s a job and it pays.  I am looking forward to the live show with John Cleese. The Gala is sold out and I know that I will not be playing a stereotyped role.  I’ll be an old woman.  How’s that for some reality roles?  LOL

My wish would be to get a juicy role.  The bad guy role, the sneaky, conniving, manipulative character who you thought was the good guy from the start.  It’s coming, I know it is.  Some writer, producer has that script out there that needs to break the standard look and feel of the protagonist.

More projects are on the way but I have to be careful and pace myself.  Although my mind is quite on the ball, my body can’t seem to follow through yet.  I guess it’s the left over from the last month.  I’m still healing, no rush, just breathing and doing things one at a time.

Peace and see you at the show!