August 11 / 2009


Well, it's countdown to show time!  Ticket giveaways are now in order.  Online and radio stations have started.  Tune in to the following stations for details:

“Blues Connection” at Radio Rock Cafe with Boogieman, Tuesdays from 6:00 to 8:00pm

“And you thought you didn't like Jazz?” at Mohawk-Radio with JP Rassam, Wednesdays from 7:00 to 9:00pm

“Double D” at Mohawk-Radio with Darragh Hemmings and Daniel Kirby, Saturdays from 11:00am to 1:00pm

"Hiioman Morning Show" at Mohawk-Radio with Hiio Kirby on Monday morning August 24 from 7:30am to 9:30am

CKUT (90.3FM) will be announcing it on various shows as well.

I am very happy with what's been happening.  Rehearsals are going great. It's really neat to see my colleagues enjoy working with me and the music I've created with them.  It's a real trip!  To think that just a few years ago, I didn't have the confidence to put pen to paper and write the songs.  Now, the songs are getting airplay and continue to get positive feedback.

Stuff has been happening on the Theatre and Acting side of me as well, but I'll get back to you on that soon enough.  Right now, I'm just riding the wave and having lots of fun with the music.  It's quite exciting to finally give out what I've been holding in. See you at the show!

...oh and ladies, I've been designated the official wing-man of the group.  It would be my honor to introduce to you the single (and eligible) members of the band. LOL