September 2011

I am thankful that there is a rest period this month before another run at gigging.  October is looking like a busy month!

Bitter-sweet news on the acting end  of my stuff.  I have had to resign from my role as "Joss" in Zeitgeist Theatre Collective's production of  "Unfit for Bears", written and directed by Julia Ainsworth.  I resigned with a heavy heart but the reality is that Montreal does not have many roles for the "older Asian" woman type.  So when I was offered a role in a project (more details to come), I couldn't refuse it.  As much as I love the theatre - and Julia's project would have been my return to the theatre's stage, it was a most difficult decision I've had to make.  The project was really close to my heart.  As a matter of fact, I wanted to produce her play via Altera Vitae Productions when she first asked me to read for it. So once again, my theatre activities have been put on hold for a longer period of time. 

Since the launch of the CD and the wonderful month of August with all the gigs and the Farnham Blues Fest (where we opened for Paul Deslauriers), I've been receiving requests for the band to perform.  I am now booking for February 2012!! Oh - by the way, photos from the August gigs are up on Facebook and will soon be posted here.  There's just been too much happening and not enough time to post on the website. The tunes are now playing across Canada.  Some stations in Europe are playing them too!  It seems that to date the favourites are "Original Sin", "Broken String", "You and Me and the Blues", "Manual Overdrive", "Some More" and "Baby Bye Bye".  WOW!  That is half the album!  What can I say?!!

Le Net Blues did a wonderful article on us about our CD Launch!  it just feels so good to receive such positive comments.  Thank you Le Net Blues!  

Here's an article about the CD from a French Webzine. For some reason the hyperlink wouldn't work but here's the URL link: Thank you Zicazic!  The band is virtually global! Who would have thought that only after 2 years someone across the ocean could be appreciating our music!  Woohooo!!!!

Although the band will only start the gigging way at the end of the month, it doesn't mean that we've stopped all activities, on the contrary, we continue to rehearse & sharpen our chops in preparation for a Blues competition.  Organised by the Montreal Blues Society & the International Blues Challenge, we've made it to the regional semi-finals of the Montreal to Memphis Blues Competition in October!  There are 2 sessions in the semi-finals.  The first session was non other than Mr. Paul Deslauriers!  Small world isn't it? If you don't know Paul Deslauriers, google his name and you'll see that he is touted as one of the best guitarists out there.  He also plays with Montreal's Blues Queen, Dawn Tyler Watson!  What an honor it is to be a co-challenger to Paul.  Stay tuned as the upcoming months will prove to be quite exciting!  Aside for the Blues Challenge - George and I will be giving a duo performance at another festival, October Blues in Joliette, Qc.  Woohoooo!! I am grateful that we are finally attracting the "eyes & ears" of the festival folks.  We will continue to work at giving our fans and audiences a good show with good 'ol Blues, whether it's our original material or the classics. 

So there it is...for now. Thanks for supporting Carolyn Fe Blues Collective by coming out to our shows and spreading the word about us and the new CD "Original Sin".  Please request the tunes at your local radio stations and if they don't have the album, let them know where to get it...If you don't have your copy, you can purchase it online at,,, or on CD Baby (see the store widget on the right hand side of the page)...or send me an email with your postal address.

See you real soon!