I've crossed the line sometime last month.



Half a century and a bit.

My body certainly feels it – after a show or when the weather changes. My mind? Well, lets just say, it giggles. My life has taken me through countless adventures. To those who know me well, they wonder how I was able to do it all and why am I still alive. LMAO!!!

...I am not done yet...

There are so many things that I still have on my list of things to do. But I am ever so grateful for all the things that I have accomplished and crossed off my list. I am humbled at the opportunities that came at hand and the friends who meant it when they said, « I got your back » … through thick and thin, they really did « have my back ».

I am grateful that my band has a residency at the House of Jazz. Having a residency at a venue that shows us how much they truly appreciate what we offer is priceless. We come in and see all the smiling and welcoming faces of the staff, the patrons who get up and dance in the aisles...THIS IS PRICELESS. Not only is this a steady gig but the venue helps us build our fan base – Folks who come up from New York City just to see us play and then go back home the next day! Then there's the couple who made sure we were playing to celebrate their anniversary and said that they wanted it to be a yearly habit...a tradition...it was the second time they celebrated their wedding anniversary with us. WOW! I cannot imagine how it can get any better than this! This gig has given us and continue to give us the time to work on our albums and then some!

The production of Jammin' The Blues Series was quite a thrill. Having Alan Nimmo and his band, King King and then Angel Forrest as guests. There will be more Jammin' The Blues. I want to bring Blues to different venues and introduce new/unkown artists to Blues fans and more importantly to those who do not know much about the Blues. You've heard it said before that the Blues is the root of all American music. From Jazz, Country, R&B, Rock...and yet, the Blues is not mainstream. Now, we gotta do something about that, no? Wink

The opportunity to write up about indie musicians of all styles and other subjects on Curtains Up. Sharman Yarnell, formerly of CJAD AM and her partners have graciously invited me to join their project. What an acknowledgement from the media this is for me. I am actually writing articles with some of the best journalists in town! Check them out and join Curtains Up's Facebook page!

For those of you wondering about Sharman's new path...hang on! This amazing woman has things well aligned and is quite busy! Not only does she continue on promoting her love of animals and being quite the activist against cruelty towards animals, Sharman is quite busy as she continues on with Broadcasting, Travel Writing...she is even Directing a musical but most exciting is her newest venture called ACE - Arts, Culture, Entertainment - A public relations firm! I know she will even busier now!

I am grateful for the opportunity to to bring the Blues to Carleton-sur-Mer this past summer. I appreciate the following, the readership of my blog, you keeping in touch with me through private messages or Facebook, the ever growing number of fans on Carolyn Fe Blues Collective's Facebook page, the music nominations, the radio stations (on line and on air) who play our tunes regularly, the purchases of the band's CDs, the numerous sponsorships (notably, Sennheiser), the festival organisers and bookers who offered the band time slots in their festivals, the new connections and re-connecting with friends, the fans, the artistic collaborations with collaborators from the other side of the planet as well as those across the border(s), once again - the fans requesting our songs to be played at their favourite radio stations, the continuous support from the media, my acting agent who really and I mean REALLY believes in me (I have never seen a agent go to bat for an 'older Asian woman' like she does – those in the métier understand what I am talking about), the growing clientele in one of my business ventures, the haters...yep, even the haters who inadvertently help keep my ego in check and of course, the never ending support and unconditional love of my hubby.

These are just some of the highlights this past year...there are more, way too many to write about and still a lot of things happening behind the scenes. I am truly humbled and look forward to what life has in store for me this coming year. YAY! Happy Birthday to me!

I hope you stick around and I'll see you at the next show, don't forget to come up and say "Hi" Kiss