January 2012

Wishing you all the best for the new year!

I know, I know...I hadn't updated the blog in awhile. To be honest, by the end of September 2011 I was exhausted...bone dead tired but I needed to keep on. Every ounce of energy I had I was saving for a show or an event or just for me. I wish I could say that I was running on adrenaline but I don't think I had much adrenaline left in me to push. It was more like auto-pilot in a somewhat zombie state.

By the time November came, I needed a vacation. December brought me to the warmth of Mexico for 2 restful weeks where I ended up forgetting the stress, the fight, the push and the pull. FINALLY - I was able to let go and it was good. Really good. It took me 2 days to wind down on the beach, once the pace of my steps slowed down, it was time for the visiting to begin. Valladolid, Chitchen Itza, Puerto Morelos – each stop their own charm, each view a marvel to look at. I will be going back.

2011 was an exciting year with the CD launch, acting projects and changes. The CD made it to the list of Blues 411's Best International Release! We got rave reviews from Cashbox Canada Magazine, Zicazic, Le Net Blues, Bman's Blues Report and more. I was able to work a new song with my bassist, Oisin, it was more like auto-pilot in a somewhat zombie state. The band jammed on it, recorded a scratch version to be perfected when we (or rather, I) will be ready to go into the battlefields again. There were ups and downs through the year that eventually wore me down. But hey, I won't dwell on the downs...but I have certainly learned.

So now, some good news! The band now has an agent and has booked for a couple of festival gigs in Edmunston, NB and Carleton-Sur-Mer, Qc. As well, we will be opening new territories...Ottawa. Check out the schedule. I am so grateful to be represented by Artiste Solutions Quebec, and who'd have thought that Barry (my agent) is the brother of my high school friend! Small world isn't it?! With Barry being right by my side, it certainly takes a load off my back. Oh, don't get me wrong, I still do some gig hunting but it just makes it easier knowing that I am not alone doing what has to be done.

On the acting side, I will be in an indie film. Shooting for 3 days – outdoor shoots at that. The weather has been averaging in the -14 Celsius. Thank goodness for lots of layers and a really good winter coat!

What is up for me in 2012? I will just keep it simple, trust my instincts (it has never failed me), keep on bulldozing on trying to make my wishes come true. I make no resolutions but I will continue to live through situations one day at a time, and when things get too much to handle, I'll live through them one minute at a time. I'll keep minding my own business just as I have done in the past and be there for those who call on me.

“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” - Edison ... I can certainly confirm that I've been sweating away!

Here are some links to the CD reviews of "Original Sin", enjoy!

Bman's Blues Report: http://www.bmansbluesreport.com/2012/01/new-release-original-sin-carolyn-fe.html#links

Zicazic: http://www.zicazic.com/zicazine/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=8675

Le Net Blues: http://lenetblues.com/Carolyn-Fe-Album2011.html

Cashbox Canada Magazine:  http://cashboxcanada.ca/2226/compact-discovery%E2%80%A8%E2%80%A8