February 2013

I have been avoiding updating you. It has been a difficult and bittersweet beginning of the year. Happy New Year is what is supposed to be said, no? This time I think I will say Blessed, Peaceful and Prosperous New Year.

My year started late. February 14, 2013. Here's why.

The end 2012 held much excitement. The band was invited to showcase at the BluesSummit6 in Toronto. This event happens only every 2 years and this year, the band had been chosen. What an honor this is as it coincides with the prestigious Maple Blues Awards! Both events were produced by the TorontoBluesSociety. There were lots of industry folks from all the world and we had a prime time slot for our showcase for January 19, 2013. We were hyped, hot and ready to go. Our artist agent, Barry Mell of Artiste Solutions Quebec was just as hyped!

I drove a couple of days ahead of the band because I had some media calls to do...interviews on TV, Radio, etc. On the morning of the 18th I had an early morning TV interview and a supper with the guys when they got in that night, so I decided to take a nap. I heard my cell phone's beep telling me a text message came in. I figured if it was urgent, they would call so I went back to sleep. Shortly after, the phone rang. It was Rami, my guitarist. His voice was different. He broke that news that Barry wasn't going to the Summit. He had a heart attack that morning and passed away. I checked my cellphone and there it was a message from Barry to call. It was his brother confirming the sad, sad news.

Barry...my friend, my agent, my partner in moving the band's projects forward. Barry had quickly made a name for himself. My head was in a tailspin. It cannot end here when we were just about to begin. In a blink of an eye, almost...a tribute was in production. The moment I received an OK from the family, my band members showed their stripes and helped me with whatever I needed to get done. The theatre was reserved, the artists were contacted and confirmed, the PR and media machine roared, a charitable organization was chosen and Sennheiser sponsored the event on February 3, 2013. The event was a success. The evening was recorded, a DVD will be available for purchase (10$ each) and all proceeds from ticket sales and DVD sales go to MusiCounts. Google « Barry Mell ».

I exhausted myself to the point of mental paralysis. What now? I am sure I spoke for a lot of Barry's artists when I asked that. But for me, we – Carolyn Fe Blues Collective - were in the midst of completing our third CD. I couldn't write any more lyrics. My mind was numb. We were going to launch in February. Production on the CD was put on hold.

In its stead, every night before I close my eyes since January 18, 2013, I have a vision of Barry and my father with arms on each others' shoulders as if they've been buddies for a long time. Both of them smiling at me. Since January 18th, it is as if doors have opened wide, opportunities have presented themselves and project offers have come up.

I can name some but others will be announced in due time.

For one thing, the band is now sponsored by Sennheiser.

This weekend, band will be back at the beautiful Rialto Theatre to video record a few tunes from our upcoming album.

One of the offers that I accepted is to be a contributor for Curtains Up! An online magazine where I will be writing about various subjects, but mainly the Blues. Check it out!

Another offer that I've accepted is to step back on stage as an actress. Lib Spry will be directing me in a play called « Pissy's Wife ». Rehearsals have started and I am in heaven! Being directed by one of Canada's most respected director's, a woman whose techniques break the rules and are really out of the box! What more can I ask for?! This will be staged at the Rialto Theatre from May 16 – 26, 2013. Tickets are on sale now, just click here! With this play I have revived Altera Vitae Productions!

Altera Vitae will be going through some changes in the very near future...more on that as time goes by.

There are so many things I would like to tell you but it's only the beginning of MY year. I cannot help but think all these blessings that have come my way are somehow linked to Barry and my Dad.

So. 2013 was a rough start. I still have my moments of numbness but I know that Barry and my Dad are looking out for me. As well, my brothers in the band and my hubby keep me focused as the opportunities keep coming in. I know that I am fortunate to have the luxury to choose from all that is offered and I do not take them for granted.

I am blessed. I wish you a happy and most prosperous new year!