October 2018 - Triggers

October 21: Some triggers are good. I was quite anxious/nervous during the past week. I was invited to be interviewed by CTV Montreal's Order of Canada recipient, Mutsumi Takahashi. She is quite an impressive woman. I've done lots of interviews before but this is special to me. To be interviewed by a woman who I've looked up to for decades when she was the only Asian I saw on TV (at a time when there weren't many Asian representatives in front of the camera), I continued to watch her through the years on Pulse/CFCF12 News to what is now CTV Montreal News & fast forward to just a few short years ago when she hosted a Chez Doris fundraising event where I sang a few songs. I was just in total AWE of her & her presence. The woman walks quietly into a room and people feel her vibe. She is a woman of humble intelligence. She exudes strength, leadership, assured-ness..how & what I want to be when I grow up. Here is the interview >> Interview with Mustumi Takahashi

October 13: There is a video of a child going around on social media. The child is sitting on his/her parent's lap listening to what seems to be a music recital. The baby hears Moonlight Sonata for the first time and is moved to tears. The parents say it's OK. This video is powerful. So full of hope and potential. I hope that parents will nurture this child's first impression of music into a passion so that the baby can unleash what moves him/her to do good.

October 10:  Lately I feel I've been walking on eggs. Basically allowing my environment to affect my mind frame. 45 down south had brought out the worms everywhere. Nothing has ever triggered me so harshly before.  I know I am not alone.