The DSM Musical workshop. My first foire into musical theatre
2025 revs up!
I just submitted my 1st self-tape of the year and, I'll be doing a two-week musical theatre workshop with a FREE public offering at the end!
It's a workshop but my FIRST musical!
DSM, The Musical. It's free admission but an RSVP is required. January 17 at 7pm.
Hope to see you there!
The writing relay race, sponsored by NAC-CNA (National Arts Centre - Centre National des Arts)
I'm delighted to announce that I've been chosen to be part of a writing group that includes twelve authors chosen from across Canada.
It's like a writing relay race, sponsored by NAC-CNA (National Arts Centre - Centre National des Arts).
The twelve Francophone and/or Francophile authors will have one month to write, then pass on their work to the next writer.
January is my month, and I'm the seventh in the relay line.
All of this will culminate in a presentation on September 2025 in Ottawa at NAC-CNA's annual Zones Théâtrale, an event for professional francophone theatre in Canada.