July 2011

Oyyy!!! I can feel the countdown to the CD launch.  Items on the check-list are being crossed off.  I got the shipment of the CDs and T-shirts. Already they are selling like hotcakes!! They're not on the online stores yet so if you'd like a copy of the CD or a T-Shirt, send me a message, click here.  T-shirts are men's sizes (M, L, XL, XXL - sorry, we already ran out of the S sizes. I've put in an order and will let you know).

Tired, excited, all kinds of emotions are coming out.  This CD launch prep feels like the last month of pregnancy - the date is set, you know the baby will be born - logistically speaking all is set...emotionally, are we ever ready?  We will only know once the launch is minutes away.  In the meantime, here's a Youtube vid we did for you. It's a peek into the past year as well as excerpts from some songs from the new album.  We hope you like it!  We would really like to see you at the launch, August 12 & 13 at the Bistro a Jojo.