May 2011

Has it really been only 2 years since the release of the EP? Where did time go? My head has been down to the grind & really pushing (more like bulldozing) the music side of me. Pounding the pavement, knocking on doors to get the gigs, getting refusal after refusal only to play the smaller venues to pay my dues so as I can build up a fan base & keep the momentum going. It's exhausting. It very hard work, a whole lot harder than the day job (oh yes it is) but it builds a thick skin and I don't have a choice. My music is one of the reasons why I get up every morning. Getting refused and sometimes abused by the dark side of the business of music is nothing compared to the satisfaction I get from seeing you folks get a high from our songs and performances.

Lesson learned? For sure! As much as there is the dark side of the business, there is the other side, the more pleasurable side when half-way through the first song of the first set you know you are going to smother the house with some Blues goodness!

And then the next day the street pounding starts all over again. Calling out to venues and bar owners and festival organisers when all of a sudden, "THE" call comes in and in an instant all that pushing and pulling doesn't seem to hurt as much. Apparently that's how it feels when a woman gives birth. I thought I could take an easy summer to finish the 2nd CD but when I look at the calendar, August is nothing but restful! I am grateful, happy and looking forward to the gigs.

There is a god and Her name is Perseverance. She has been listening to my songs and has opened the door to reveal a small triumph that gives me a breathe to keep on going. Enjoy the warmer weather that is heading our way. I hope to see you at our shows this summer and in the meantime - have a wonderful day.