April 2011

The band has been busy gigging and recording as I keep writing and getting inspired by life's little moments. However, this double life as an artist is gruelling. All that goodness has just pushed me to the corner. I survived that last few gigs despite this nasty laryngitis that has been lingering and doesn't seem to want to let me go. I am not complaining, just a wee bit tired and am looking forward to slowing down for a short while (i.e., no continuous back to back gigs for the next 2 or 3 months).

I am looking forward to the launch of our 2nd album. I can certainly speak on behalf of the band when I say that WE ARE QUITE EXCITED. We have over 20 songs completed out of which 12 will be chosen. It's a pure collaborative effort between myself and the guys. Our continuous gigs and sessions at the studio have solidified us as a unit. We've lived a few up and down moments as a group but we're still together and a whole lot stronger. The album really feels like home, feels like family. I can't wait to share it with you. This album contains lyrics and melodies that the guys and I have allowed to mature. It's like biting into a juicy apple and reviving (more like re-living) the original sin.

Because of the music, I have had to push aside my theatrical ambitions for a bit. I haven't produced plays for about 2 years now. After 4 productions, I needed to regain my energy and “fill up my basket”. Although I have a list of plays that I would love to produce, I still need to be careful. This Fall season will see me back on stage as an actress on an interesting theatre project. The producers have told me to hold off on giving out the details of the project but I am certainly looking forward to it!

On the TV and Film side of things, I continue to audition and who know, you might just see my face on the TV or in the theatres. :-)

I consider myself so lucky that I am able to work in a milieu that is so stimulating. Yes, I do have a day job but nothing compares to the highs, satisfaction and rewards that I receive in this artistic world. When I hear my day job colleagues go through their days talking about the what ifs, should haves, could haves about making their passions come alive, I hold my chin up, stand straight and walk on while I count my blessings.