October 21 / 2008

Well – the category right after my 2 presentations was the Revelation Award.  It is an award given to a theatre production company who either came out of nowhere and made some good noise in the early stages of their existence or an existing company who redefined themselves.

Altera Vitae didn’t win.  BUT, as Brett Hooton of the Hour Magazine said, there were 2 companies that needed to be acknowledged and that they felt needed an honorary mention.  The first one was Tableau D’Hôte, who continually produce shows with meaning and the 2nd one was ALTERA VITAE PRODUCTIONS who presented a difficult play (‘night, Mother) and is lead by their “ferocious leader” and the company’s mission of giving back to the community.  Apparently this was the first time they had an honorary mentions! OK – I paraphrased the whole thing. Can you blame me? The announcement took me by complete surprise!!

Great timing for ALMOST BLUE….onwards and forward we go!

So don't forget, we're playing at the MainLine Theatre on November 6-16! Come out and see what the Meccas spoke about.

PS: For our friends who are not familiar with the MECCAs, the acronym stands for “Montreal English Critics Circle Awards”.  It’s for the English theatre community, given out once a year.