August 13 / 2007

Busy as busy gets, I’ve been called to auditions, got a role in a film, “Let the Game Begin” with Stephen Baldwin, but most importantly, I’ve given birth to Altera Vitae Productions – my theatre company. Along with Luc Guilbault and Laurel Sprengelmeyer as co-founders, I’m taking on the role of Artistic Director. This has been simmering in me for the longest time. So finally, I jumped right in. The production company is currently a non-profit organization.

Our first production, ‘Night Mother by Pulitzer Prize winner Marsha Norman is scheduled for March 2008 at the Mainline Theatre. The process of start up was quite interesting in that in a city where actors claim there are no jobs, they don’t show up for scheduled auditions – not too professional, I must say (that’ll be my one and only rant). Other than that, we continue to have fun with the process. The play is already cast and I can’t wait to tell you more about what will surround the play. I’ll post you more on that later.

My band DD Swank went through another change. We have let go of our drummer and have taken the route of becoming a blues/jazz trio with quite a bit of success! Industry folks like our new sound and they say that finally, we found our ground. Our demo CD, Maravillossa is printed on glass and will be sent out to these good folks soon enough. If you want a copy, drop me a line and I’ll send you one.

So back to square one with the agent thing. I’ve gotten new headshots, finished my voice reel and will be on the hunt for a new agent. Fun times coming up!